Saturday-only Fill-in Optometrist

Picture of Dr. David J. Langford, O.D.

Are you an independent optometrist in Northern Utah that has to cover Saturdays, but you want to take a Saturday off? Then contact Dr. David J. Langford, O.D.! He provides Saturday only fill-in work 1-2x/month.

Feel free to peruse Dr. Langford’s CV.

Q: What is your rate?
A: $450 for 8 hours work

Q: Do you bill insurance?
A: No. I work as an independent contractor, paid by you. I have heard that some insurances allow you to bill in your name for work done by temporary doctors; however, you should check with each insurance company. If in doubt, do not schedule any insurance patients for the day(s) I work for you.

Q: Do you have professional and general liability coverage?
A: Yes. I will provide that to you when we commit to a scheduled day of work.

Q: Is it ethical for you to work in private practice while currently being employed by the federal government?
A: Yes but only because of the following:

  • I am working in Utah which is outside the service area of my patient base in Wyoming.
  • Since I only work on Saturdays, I do not take any time off from my primary duties.
  • I have an approved form HHS-520 in which I obtained supervisor approval, and on up the chain of command, for this activity.

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